For a tattoo that has a lot of attitude, history and traditions, consider the myriad of scorpion tattoos . Scorpio carries with him a rich history. People may be interested in a tattoo of a scorpion, because Scorpio is their star(zodiac), or because they like the feeling dark and sinister as the scorpions give. Maybe it's just because they look cool. Scorpion tattoos can be dark and hostile, but they can also be much more attractive than you think. These tiny creatures of the desert death - apparently a cross between a spider and a small lobster - have gracefully curved bodies that lend themselves well to tattoo designs.
Scorpions are small, but effective. They are often a sign of duality, which may seem harmless and inconspicuous, but in reality the bill. When the theme of duality, "scorpion tattoos" (zodiac tattoo) have long been used as a way to protect themselves - not just the current physical sting of this creature, but also the "random" evil spirits, and powerful man. On the other hand can also be seen as a weapon of protection, it is simply wrong.

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